Welcome to Musicaroo!
Here you will find anything to do with music, from fun articles that help you discover new music and bands, to in-depth analysis of lyrics, to guides on learning to sing and play various instruments, and more.
How did this all get started?
Let’s find out! We’ll begin with the reason Musicaroo exists in the first place.
Our Mission
Our mission at Musicaroo is to make music fun.
To achieve that, we aim to write guides to help you make better music, as well as guides to help you enjoy music more, by introducing you to new music and by helping you understand music better.
Our Story
My name is Camila Rabin and I am the person behind Musicaroo. I launched the site in 2016 as a way to help people become better singers.
I have been working as a singing teacher in Seattle, WA for many years (no, I will not say exactly how many years!) and starting a website on singing just made since.
Teaching one-on-one severely limits the number of people I can help. That’s why I launched Musicaroo.
I was looking for a way to help more people discover their love of singing and improve their singing.
But it didn’t stop there.
I have since gotten some help and the site has grown. I even have a team working for me now. Sort of.
The Team
Ok, so it’s mainly still just me. I run the day-to-day operations of the site. I also write all of the articles on singing and most of the general music articles myself.
But I have partnered with McBrain Global, who are in the business of running websites. Their expertise has helped a lot. My site looks a lot better now than it used to. And it runs more efficiently, too.
They have also helped me hire a team of sorts.
Really, the “team” is just a handful of writers. More accurately, they are musicians I personally know who are happy to make a few extra bucks writing articles for this site.
They are a violinist, a trumpeter and a guitarist/bassist. That is why those are the instruments covered on Musicaroo for now.
I do plan to add additional instruments, but I do not know anyone who plays them and is also willing to (or able to) write about it.
That means I will have to hire outside help. I do not know when this will finally happen. Two things always get in the way: time and money. Or rather, the lack of those two things.
Our Responsibility
At Musicaroo, we believe in maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity. Our guiding principle is to put the quality of information first.
- We focus on evidence-based content. All our claims are backed by scientific literature that is duly quoted in each article.
- We use subject matter experts to write or edit/review all our content.
- We only use the highest quality sources to research our content.
- We regularly revisit and update our pages with the latest information.
We use ads and affiliate marketing to fund our operations, but commissions never influence our recommendations. We also maintain a strict policy against accepting sponsorships to avoid any conflicts of interest.
Where Do You Go Now?
If you are here, it means you too are looking for something to do with music. What that is exactly determines where you go from here.
Your best bet is to take a look at the menu above and find the section that interests you. If you’re not sure, here are my two favorite sections on this site.
- Songs About: This section features songs that all cover a specific topic, e.g. songs about beautiful women or songs about depression.
- Lyric Meanings: This section features articles analyzing the meaning of the lyrics to well-known songs.
I hope you enjoy the content I worked so hard to put together, and if you have any questions not answered here or suggestions to make this site better, I’d love to hear them!
Please feel free to get in touch with us. The best email to use is info@musicaroo.com, but you can find all other contact info on our contact page.
As mentioned, Musicaroo is owned and operated by McBrain Global LLC. You can find them at the following address and phone number:
McBrain Global
30 N Gould Street, Suite R
Sheridan, WY 82801
Phone: (307) 269-0897
I, and the whole “team”, look forward to hearing from you!